Commercial / Residential

Throughout every step of the development process, we word closely with our tenants and to create sustainable municipalities that are profitable projects to build, operate and maintain.The Merits of the initial designs That Have Higher Costs Operating Costs But lower over the life of the property Are Also considered. We compare all alternatives Appropriate DURING Our planning phase to determine Which Are Most efficient options.

The experience, knowledge and skills That Apply To Each project is Maintained events after the transfer of ownership has taken place. In all Aspects of Our work, we take great care to Protect the environment and people Benefit Businesses and Communities


ASG Construction LLC involve the construction of buildings and private ownership of homes and government buildings.
Pre-designed commercial buildings for office parks, malls, shopping centers, office buildings, low-rise, built hospitals and hospital expansions, designed as car dealerships, transportation centers, warehouses and more.

All our buildings are built to withstand the harshest climates and unprecedented durability to the most challenging business wear.


Developed residential areas to create new single-family and multifamily dwellings to meet the demands of the people. Home Our ​​services are available in all states.
Our portfolio includes single-family homes and multifamily dwellings.
Developed residential areas until the end of the choice of location in the planning, design, marketing and sales. Our core competency is understanding how people want to live their lives and create attractive new homes that meet their demands

Please Call Me With Any Questions.
 Arturo Salazar
Office (623) 847 4771
Fax (623) 915 6011
Cell: (623) 340 0670